○メンズ[Sサイズ]23 POW TALLAC MITTEN 2.0 カラー:DARK OLIVE/定価¥13200(税込・メーカー希望小売価格)
○ 商品説明
携帯電話からバックパックへの素早い移行のための究極のミット 立ち寄り、そしてその間のすべて。
○ 特徴
MATERIALS Shel l : Recycled Poly PU laminate w /DWR Palm: Grade A leather Inser t : HIPORA? Waterproof Inser t Lining: Premium ant i -pi l l polyester Microf leece Liner Insulat ion: 4oz Pr imaLof t? Gold Closure: Shock cord adjuster
FEATURES + Waterproof HIPORA? Inser t + Buf f thumb and squeegee to wipe your nose or goggle + Wr ist Leash included + Removable f leece and Sof tshel l? qui l ted l iner t r igger W/ Touch-Enabled Amara index f inger
○ 商品説明
○ 特徴
Shel l : Recycled Poly PU laminate w /DWR
Palm: Grade A leather
Inser t : HIPORA? Waterproof Inser t
Lining: Premium ant i -pi l l polyester Microf leece
Liner Insulat ion: 4oz Pr imaLof t? Gold
Closure: Shock cord adjuster
+ Waterproof HIPORA? Inser t
+ Buf f thumb and squeegee to wipe your nose or goggle
+ Wr ist Leash included
+ Removable f leece and Sof tshel l? qui l ted l iner t r igger
W/ Touch-Enabled Amara index f inger
○ おおよその平置き寸法
○ 注意